**ATTENTION RETURNING VOLUNTEERS** Our Registration and Check-In Process may have changed since you last signed up. Please read all information below:
- Click below on "Select an Event" (to select which Session you can volunteer for)
- Choose preferred T-Shirt size* (by changing 0 to 1 in the corresponding drop-down)
- Type First and Last name
- ONLY IF you are working on behalf of a Pre-Registered Non-Profit group, select "Yes" and Type name of Group
- Finally, type First and Last name, along with an email address where you want the volunteer pass to be sent, and click "Submit"
After following the steps above, you will receive a printable Volunteer Pass via email. Feel free to print this pass, or be prepared to show the pass on your phone screen at the Volunteer Check-In Table at least 90 minutes prior to your Session start time. Staff will need to scan your barcode before they are able to give you your T-Shirt and section assignment.
*Tip: If you plan to wear your volunteer T-Shirt over another shirt or other clothing, you may want to consider selecting a size up from your normal size
There is a limit of 2 passes per email address. If you are intending to Register for a group larger than 2, copy and send this Registration link to your prospective Volunteers directly, so they can sign up themselves.
NOTE: The passes you will receive via email are only valid for checking in as a volunteer. In no way are they good for entering the festival as an Attendee.
Please follow signs for Volunteer Check-In when you arrive at the event. Staff will scan your Volunteer Pass, hand out T-Shirts in your selected size and assign sections. We ask that you arrive within the window of time outlined below for your Session.
Volunteer Check-In will be:
1st Session (Friday Evening) 4:30PM - 5:45PM
2nd Session (Saturday Aftn.) 10:00AM - 11:15AM
3rd Session (Saturday Evening) 4:30PM - 5:45PM
- Volunteer responsibilities primarily involve POURING BEER! But we may also need help with other simple things, such as wristbanding, etc. No matter what, you'll be drinking complimentary samples all night and get all the same perks as everyone else Volunteering. Thanks in advance for your flexibility and good attitude while we place folks where they are most needed.
- We provide a t-shirt, pizza, and of course BEER!
- YOU MUST BE 21 OR OLDER TO VOLUNTEER! (Having your ID at this event is REQUIRED)
- Event is rain, snow, or shine.
- Volunteers need to be able to work the whole Session that they sign up for, plus arrive within the above Check-In Window.
Thank you again for volunteering!
Event Location: David L Lawrence Convention Center
Overview of Event Dates/Times:
Session 1 - Friday, February 21, 2025:
4:30PM Volunteer Check-In Starts
5:45PM Volunteer Check-In Closes / Volunteer Mandatory Orientation
6:30PM Early Admission opens to Public
7:30PM Regular Admission opens to Public
10:30PM Last Call for Alcohol
11:00PM Event ends
Session 2 - Saturday, February 22, 2025:
10:00AM Volunteer Check-In Starts
11:15AM Volunteer Check-In Closes / Volunteer Mandatory Orientation
12:00PM Early Admission opens to Public
1:00PM Regular Admission opens to Public
4:00PM Last Call for Alcohol
4:30PM Event ends
Session 3 - Saturday, February 22, 2025:
4:30PM Volunteer Check-In Starts
5:45PM Volunteer Check-In Closes / Volunteer Mandatory Orientation
6:30PM Early Admission opens to Public
7:30PM Regular Admission opens to Public
10:30PM Last Call for Alcohol
11:00PM Event ends